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About - NYG Laboratory Resources
New York Gemological Laboratory Resources
About NYG Lab
Established in 2012
The New York Gemological Laboratory Resources(NYG) is One of the world?s most respected gemological laboratory and resources center, entrusted with grading and identifying more gems day by day.
NYG Lab created global standards to accurately determine quality of diamonds (4Cs - Cut, Colour, Clarity & Carat), coloured stones and pearls (7 Pearl Value FactorsTM - Size, Shape, Colour, Nacre, Lustre, Surface, & Matching).
Our Goal
We're Here for You
We Care for Customers
We care about customer satisfaction, and we care about you.
Before purchasing a diamond, customer should expect to review a copy of its certificate as proof that it has undergone professional and an unbiased examination.
It is our duty to provide the customer with a clear, precise and detailed description of the product they intend to buy.
Perfect Result
Our Ratings Are More Accurate
NYG Lab is a not-for-profit Laboratory and Resources center.
Our only interest is ensuring that any diamond or jewelry with the 'NYG Lab' name is of the highest quality and is graded as such.
NYG Lab?s aim is to ensure public trust in gems and jewellery.
We ensure that the research results, good or bad, truly represent to the customer satisfaction level.
We also provide consultation to ensure the authenticity of the product and its certification.
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